e0ne's comments

Blog Re-launch

Published at January 6, 2019 ·  1 min read

After more or less technical blog I’m ready to say it’s successfully re-launched. I hope, it’ll be interesting to read. I’m going to blog about the following topics this year: Python OpenStack Linux JavaScript (Vue.js and React.js) etc. I’ll try to publish new posts regularly and make them interesting to read. Enjoy the reading!...

Click and Double Click in JavaScript

Published at January 5, 2019 ·  1 min read

Spent a few hours on a simple task: create different handlers for ‘click’ and ‘double click’ events on the same element, onclick handler should not be executed if a double click event is raised. I hope, there is a better solution but I didn’t find it. I leave it here in case if somebody helps me with it: <html> <body> <a href="#" id="clickMe">Click Me</a> <script type="text/javascript"> /* click or double click */ var timeout = null; let link = document....

Learned About Pystone

Published at January 4, 2019 ·  1 min read

pystone is a simple Python benchmark which is included in a standard library. As any other benchmark you need to be careful with its' results. It was interestings how fast are my environments. All tests were done using python3 -m test.pystone command. Intel Core i5 4590 @ 3.30GHz: Pystone(1.2) time for 50000 passes = 0.19486 This machine benchmarks at 256594 pystones/second * Intel Core i7 2600 @ 3....

The Easiest Way to Parse Xml in Python

Published at January 3, 2019 ·  1 min read

I would like to add this as a note here. I really hope that we will not use XML anymore in the nearest future but in case if somebody needs it, you have to use untangle. untangle is awesome pure python library to parse XML withoud pain. You just need to try if if XML still exists in your world....

Pros and Cons of Vue.js

Published at January 2, 2019 ·  3 min read

Since I started to learn Vue.js a few months ago, I realized that it has some benefits I like and some things which I really hate. I’m not an expert in this framework, but I would like to share my thoughts about it. Pros: Simplicity It is really easy to integrate it into your existing web application by just adding one more ~20KB-size JavaScript library. It allows you to start using it with an old or legacy web site like you did with jQuery in the past!...

New Engine

Published at January 1, 2019 ·  1 min read

Actually, it was done some time ago but I think it’s time to make it more official. This blog was finally migrated from outdated blogengine.net to new Hugo. There is still a log of work in progress: restore images, fix theme, RSS and re-enable comments. I hope, it’ll help me to create more awesome posts this year. All sources are available now at GitHub:: https://github.com/e0ne/blog.e0ne.info https://github.com/e0ne/e0ne-hugo ...

How to get hardware info in Linux console/CLI

Published at October 2, 2018 ·  2 min read

Sometimes it’s needed to get hardware information on your Linux desktop or server using the command line only. Of course, you can do everything via CLI in Linux. Here just some reminders for myself how to do it. Most of the information you can get using the following three commands: lspci - list all PCI devices lshw - list hardware dmidecode - DMI table decoder Using multiple keys to these CLI tools you can get everything you need....

How to run CKAN tests

Published at January 4, 2018 ·  3 min read

CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers datahub.io, catalog.data.gov and europeandataportal.eu/data/en/dataset among many other sites. http://ckan.org/ Open source world is interesting and challenging. Sometimes it’s easy and cheap. Sometimes it’s hard to contribute and costs a lot. Looking into the CKAN I was surprised that it’s used by government portals. That’s why I tried to use it a bit....

Remote console via SSH with own bashrc

Published at August 9, 2017 ·  1 min read

I think, most of us have customized bash or zsh environment. I’m too lazy to switch from bash to zsh, so I use bash on my laptop. There are some benefits: bash is still the more popular shell, so it exists on mostly Linux-based servers. That’s why I try to use my .bashrc wherever it’s possible. But on a remote server, sometimes you don’t have the own user account. That’s why I’ve added a very simple alias for ssh command to mine [....

This test is too slow

Published at July 28, 2017 ·  1 min read

Sometimes we need to understand why unit-test is so slow. Sometimes I’m to lazy to go deep to understand why. That’s why I’ve created a very simple profiled class to make unit-tests profiling fast and simple. I used only cProfile, so it will work on any Python project. It’s so simple, so I can’t talk about it more. You can install it via ‘pip install ProfiledTest’ and use it like:...


.net .net-framework .net-framework-3.5 agile ajax ajax-control-toolkit ampq ansible apache asp.net asp.net-mvc automation axum babel bash benchmark blog blog-engine bootstrap buildout c# cache centos chrome ci cinder ckan cli cloud code-review codeplex community config debugger deface dependencies development-environment devices devstack devtime disks django dlr dns docker dockerimage dos easy_install elmah encoding environment-variables error event events everything-as-a-code exception exceptions fabrik firefox flask foreach forms fstab gae gcc gerrit git github go google google-app-engine grep hack hacked hardware headless horizon hound html hugo iaas ienumerable iis internet iptables iron-python ironic iscsi java-script javascript jenkins jquery js jsx k8s kharkivpy kiss kombu kubernetes kvm kyiv lettuce libvirt linux lio loci logging loopback losetup lvm mac-os macos mercurial microsoft microsoft-sync-framework mobile mono ms-office msbuild networking news nginx npm npx offtopic oop open-source open-xml opensource openstack openvswitch os packages paraller-development patterns-practices performance php pika pip plugins pnp podcast popup postgresql profiler project protocols proxy pycamp pycharm pycon pykyiv pylint pypi python python-3 qcow quantum qumy rabbitmq rar react reactjs refactoring rfc rhel search-engine security selenium server shell silverlight socket software-engineering source-control sourcegear-vault sources sql sql-server sql-server-express sqlalchemy ssh static-site sublimetext svg tests tgt tipfy todo tornado typescript uapycon ui uneta unit-tests upgrades usability vim virtualenv visual-studio vitrage vm vue.js vuejs web-development web-server web-service web_root webpack webroot windows windows-live word-press x32 x64 xcode xml xss xvfb интернет-магазин книги

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