Personal Tests Anti Rating

Here is my personal test anti-rating. If I see something from this list, for me it means that the testing process on this project is not ideal.

5. You can’t run tests on your development environment

It depends on a project ad kind of tests, but you should be able to run unit tests at least on your development environment. Otherwise, you’ll waste your time and CI resources waiting for tests results

4. A lot of skipped tests

If there are a lot of skipped tests, it means that nobody cares about testing and/or tests are not stable.

3. A lot of non-voting jobs on CI

It’s almost like #4. The main point of this item is that CI is not effective enough. There are a lot of tests which nobody cares about.

2. There are no tests at all (for a project, feature, module, etc)

It’s simple. It means that your project/feature will be broken for sure. Sooner or later it’ll be broken.

1. You don’t run tests on CI per each commit

Fast feedback is one of the required parts of CI. Without per commit tests run, you CI is just a UI for tests runner or deployment tool. You don’t have CI if there are no per-commit tests on it.


.net .net-framework .net-framework-3.5 agile ajax ajax-control-toolkit ampq ansible apache automation axum babel bash benchmark blog blog-engine bootstrap buildout c# cache centos chrome ci cinder ckan cli cloud code-review codeplex community config debugger deface dependencies development-environment devices devstack devtime disks django dlr dns docker dockerimage dos easy_install elmah encoding environment-variables error event events everything-as-a-code exception exceptions fabrik firefox flask foreach forms fstab gae gcc gerrit git github go google google-app-engine grep hack hacked hardware headless horizon hound html hugo iaas ienumerable iis internet iptables iron-python ironic iscsi java-script javascript jenkins jquery js jsx k8s kharkivpy kiss kombu kubernetes kvm kyiv lettuce libvirt linux lio loci logging loopback losetup lvm mac-os macos mercurial microsoft microsoft-sync-framework mobile mono ms-office msbuild networking news nginx npm npx offtopic oop open-source open-xml opensource openstack openvswitch os packages paraller-development patterns-practices performance php pika pip plugins pnp podcast popup postgresql profiler project protocols proxy pycamp pycharm pycon pykyiv pylint pypi python python-3 qcow quantum qumy rabbitmq rar react reactjs refactoring rfc rhel search-engine security selenium server shell silverlight socket software-engineering source-control sourcegear-vault sources sql sql-server sql-server-express sqlalchemy ssh static-site sublimetext svg tests tgt tipfy todo tornado typescript uapycon ui uneta unit-tests upgrades usability vim virtualenv visual-studio vitrage vm vue.js vuejs web-development web-server web-service web_root webpack webroot windows windows-live word-press x32 x64 xcode xml xss xvfb интернет-магазин книги

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