Sometimes I’m too lazy to repeat the same task so I do some automation to make my life easier. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to do it well each time. That’s why I prefer ‘good enough’ way. I implement something good enough for me and refactor it once I have time.
I use virtual machines on my desktop a lot. Usually, I have several of them up and running. I don’t like to remember an IP address for each of them, that’s why I prefer to use hostnames. Based on this, I’ve googled to some lightweight solution to have something like DNS server for my KVM instances and it must work inside corporate network. That’s why I can’t use dnsmasq or something else.
I googled for a solution about 2 minutes without any acceptable result. After
that, I spent about 5 minutes more to create this script:
The code is not ideal, but it works well. I spent about 10 minutes and I just
use it for months. I also created crontab job /etc/cron.d/vm-resolver
to run my not-a-dns-server each 15 minutes:
*/15 * * * * root python3 /opt/vm-resolver
I hope it will be useful for somebody. Also, I hope I’ll have time to refactor it, write some tests and publish to pypi.